Saturday, November 14, 2009

Holiday 2009 Photo Sessions

Holiday 2009

Welcome to the Launch of our Premier Holiday Season, Be sure to take advantage of our Grand Opening Specials.

~For a Limited Time Only~

 We're offering Economical, Recession Friendly Portrait Packages~with NO Session or Location Fees. And, there's no purchase obligation...Because we're sure that you'll be happy with your session and the results, we're confident that you'll WANT to place an order.

Your session will be custom fit to your Family. There are no canned backdrops. There are no set poses or positions. We strive to create and maintain a comfortable, relaxed and fun atmosphere. Our sessions normally run about 2 hours, but that time varies with each and every Family.

Call today for more information and to schedule your Holiday Photo Session...Evening and Weekend hours are available. Reservations are made and confirmed on a first come, first serve basis.


Package A: The Basics
2-8x10, 2-5x7 and 8 wallets

Package B: Just a Little Extra

2-8x10, 3-5x7, 4-4X6 and 16 wallets

Package C: Who Could Ask for More?
1-11x14, 2-8x10, 4-5x7, 4-4x6 and 16 wallets

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