~Coveting Caleb~
I don't know that there's ever been a truer title! Caleb, the little Cutie that we had the pleasure of photpgraphing in honor of his very First Birthday, is what his Dad likes to call a "Ladies Man."
At first, you may think that Corny, but the longer you linger, the honesty of the label, becomes more and more apparent.
There were a few other words I could use to describe this tiny Charmer...Cute, quite obviously, Cherub, also pretty superficial, Cheeky, literally, Captivating and on and on.
Mom & Dad,
This teaser's for you!! We'll let you know just as soon they're ready. And, by the way, if we didn't make it Clear, feel free to bring Caleb and his Blue Eyes to visit anytime you like!
~Heather & Laura
oh my! I can't wait! Look at my cute:)